Slip and falls often lead to more significant medical problems than many people expect, and those issues are frequently more pronounced when the victim is older. A fracture after tripping can easily lead to mobility issues or reduced quality of life for people over 65. That’s why you need to speak with a lawyer to protect yourself if you are a senior citizen who slipped and fell or if you are caring for an elderly loved one who sustained an injury.
Dangers of Senior Citizen Slip and Fall Accidents
It’s an unfortunate fact that aging takes a toll on the body. Older Philadelphians tend to be more susceptible to harm in a fall than younger people. Wounds of particular concern for the elderly in a slip and fall accident include:
- Back injuries
- Hand, shoulder, and arm injures
- Hip or leg fractures
- Soft tissue damage
- Traumatic brain injury
Getting medical attention as soon as you possibly can is paramount after informing the property owner of the accident. A trip to the ER after falling isn’t just to check for internal trauma, although that is important. It also begins the process of documenting your injuries, which will be crucial later when negotiating with insurance companies or filing a personal injury lawsuit.
Even if you already had physical or medical issues due to aging that would make a fall more dangerous, you still have the right to recover damages from the negligent party responsible for the accident. That’s where an attorney comes in to perform an investigation into the circumstances of your injury.
A skilled attorney’s job is to gather evidence showing the negligent party was aware of the problem and failed to take reasonable steps to correct it before an accident took place. With that evidence in hand, elderly victims can pursue compensation for:
- Costs of their medical bills
- Lost income if they are still in the workforce but had to take time off work to recover
- Non-economic damages covering their pain and suffering
- Out-of-pocket costs while receiving treatment for the slip and fall injury
- Wrongful death if an elderly loved one passed away as a result of the accident
Find the Legal Help You Need from Gary Heslin
Don’t let an insurance company take advantage of you or allow the liable party to avoid paying what you are owed. Protect your legal rights and financial recovery with the help of an experienced Pennsylvania slip and fall attorney. Schedule a consultation to discuss your accident by calling 215-332-0300 or send your contact info for a callback here.
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