Unfortunately, “man’s best friend” can be quite the opposite. Dogs are responsible for nearly five million attacks every year. Not all bites are considered severe, but approximately 800,000 dog bite victims seek medical attention each year. It isn’t easy to determine if a certain breed is more prone to attacks. If you or anyone you know is attacked by a dog, it’s important to call a Philadelphia dog bite injury lawyer.
What to Do if You Are Bitten by a Dog
So what do you do after a dog bite? If you have a serious personal injury, call 911 right away and get medical attention. Otherwise, obtain the names and addresses of witnesses, the dog owner, and the people who had custody of the dog when it bit you. Take pictures of your wounds right after the attack. This will help with presenting evidence for your case. Next, contact a doctor to get treated. Report the incident to Division of Disease Control and locate the nearest animal control agency.
If the owner of the dog that bit you is insured, you may receive a call from their insurance company representative. If they do call, ask for the name of the insurance company, their address, phone number, and claim number. Do not discuss money, accept money, discuss who is responsible, or set up an appointment. Get the information and then contact a personal injury attorney.