Medical malpractice occurs when patients are harmed or injured by a medical professional due to poor treatment or incorrect diagnosis. While most healthcare providers strive to prevent these unfortunate scenarios, patients should be aware of what to do if they occur.
The rules for proving medical malpractice and filing a claim are different in every state, but there are some basic procedures that are common throughout the nation. Here are the general steps our Bucks County medical malpractice attorney recommends taking to make your case:
- Contact the medical professional you believe is at fault. Before filing a medical malpractice claim, you should give the healthcare provider a chance to right his/her wrongs. In many cases, doctors are willing to solve the issue through additional services, often free of charge.
- Reach out to the appropriate medical licensing board. If you don’t get the desired results by contacting the medical professional, the next step is to contact the medical licensing board for the doctor’s particular field. The board will likely be able to assist you by giving the medical provider a warning or taking disciplinary action.
- File your claim within the allotted time period. If you decide to file a claim against the medical professional, it’s important to do so within a certain amount of time after the malpractice occurs. Otherwise, you risk forfeiting your rights to collect compensation. To find out how long you have to file a claim, check the statutes of limitations laws for your state.
- Get a certificate of merit. In order to legitimize your medical malpractice claim, many states require you to file a certificate of merit to specify the injuries brought about malpractice. To obtain one, you’ll need to visit an expert (generally another healthcare professional) to examine your medical records and confirm the validity of your claim.
- Hire a qualified medical malpractice attorney in Bucks County. Once you’ve completed the aforementioned steps, it’s time to find a Bucks County medical malpractice lawyer that will fight for your rights. With more than 30 years of legal experience, Mr. Gary P. Heslin is the best man for the job. When you hire him, he’ll sit down with you to discuss the details of your case and advise you on how to best proceed. Plus, he’ll help you file your claim and strive to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
By following these steps, you’ll have the highest chance of getting the compensation you deserve for your medical malpractice case.
Contact Us Today
If you’re ready to seek justice for your injuries, it’s time to reach out to the medical malpractice lawyer Bucks County residents trust – the Heslin Law Firm. To do so, just call (215) 332-0300 or visit us online. And if you’re looking for more useful information, be sure to read our recent blog post on how to stay safe while swimming. We look forward to serving you and showing you why we’re the superior medical malpractice attorney in Bucks County!