Riding on SEPTA trains, trolleys and buses comes with some level of danger on any given day of the year. However, as is true with any form of transportation, using SEPTA to get around in wintry conditions is particularly risky. Whether you’re a frequent or occasional passenger, here are five tips our Bucks County SEPTA accident lawyer strongly suggests practicing to keep yourself safe on SEPTA this season:
- Maintain a safe distance until the vehicle has come to a complete stop and doors have opened – Snow/ice on the road or tracks may cause SEPTA vehicles to slide when they stop. Thus, you should stand on the curb or behind the yellow line until the incoming bus, train or trolley has come to a full stop and its doors are open.
- Choose a jacket color that’s noticeable – When commuting on dark, gloomy winter days, being visible to SEPTA drivers (and all drivers for that matter) is crucial for your personal safety. To make sure you’re easy to spot as you commute, our SEPTA accident lawyer in Bucks County suggests wearing a coat in a light color that’s hard to miss.
- Bundle up – Another note on attire when riding SEPTA: Bear in mind that delays are more likely in winter, so there is always a chance that you could be waiting outside for longer than planned. Being outdoors without enough clothing on can be dangerous when temperatures are low, so be sure to layer up even if you’re only expecting to wait a few minutes.
- Be careful when boarding – Just before stepping onto a SEPTA vehicle, it’s a good idea to tap the snow off of your shoes to avoid slipping. Also be aware that the stairs or floor may be wet and slick, so you’ll want to use the handrails provided and take your time getting on.
- Allow plenty of time to reach your destination – Just as if you were driving yourself, you should leave a little earlier than usual when taking public transportation in winter in case of delays. By doing so, you will avoid the stress of running late and ensure that you don’t need to rush while it’s slippery outside.
As long as the chilly weather sticks around and the possibility of snow and ice on roads and SEPTA tracks remains, our Bucks County SEPTA accident attorney highly recommends following these rules each time you ride.
Count On Us for Legal Representation After a SEPTA Accident
Even when you play it safe while riding SEPTA, there’s still a risk that you could be injured due to a situation that is out of your control. In the event that you are hurt on a SEPTA vehicle, you may be eligible to receive compensation from the liable party, whether it’s the SEPTA driver or another driver.
A Bucks County SEPTA accident lawyer can help you through the process of filing an injury claim and obtaining the financial compensation you deserve. Mr. Gary Heslin, the SEPTA accident lawyer Bucks County has depended for more than three decades, is here to offer you his expert legal assistance in this area.
If you’re looking for a skilled lawyer who will fight for your rights after a SEPTA accident, call the Heslin Law Firm at (215) 332-0300 to set up a free case evaluation with Mr. Heslin. You may also want to view our past blog post that offers step-by-step guidance on what to do if you’ve been involved in a SEPTA accident.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our SEPTA accident lawyer in Bucks County. We’ve successfully handled many cases involving SEPTA over the years, and we’re here to help you get through this difficult time.