Coronavirus, or Covid-19, has absolutely turned 2020 into one of the most insane years imaginable. One aspect of life that has been affected the most has been the school system. The debate over whether kids should return to school has been tossed through the air and really one answer was never enough. So, three were developed, the in-school option, hybrid of online and in-school learning, and online learning.
In-School Safety Tips
In-school safety is one of the most important things that you could possibly teach your child right now. If they are required to go to school, then these tips would be incredibly beneficial for you. Not to mention, these tips are not just for school, but for everyday life as well.
The first and the most obvious that has been a huge staple to life slowly opening back up would be the social distancing. Social distancing is just maintaining a six-foot distance between you and the people around you. In an indoor setting, this can be somewhat difficult, however, the more space between you and the closest person, the better.
The second and another staple would be the wearing of a mask. Wearing a mask during times where it is virtually impossible to social distance like on a school bus or carpool drop-off should be a priority. Even providing your child with a bag that they can store a mask in during lunch is a fantastic idea because it will help the mask stay clean. Now, of course, there are some restrictions that you need to follow, such as placing a mask on a child younger than the age of 2, a child who has breathing problems, or a child who has a condition that would prevent them from removing the mask without help is not recommended at all.
Washing your hands is something that has always been taught to us, but right now it is even more prevalent than ever. Keeping up with personal hygiene is one of the best ways to help prevent the spread of a virus-like Covid-19, as well as many others such as influenza.
Continuously keeping up with everyday cleaning and disinfecting will also help prevent the spread of Covid-19. Regular cleaning should include commonly touched surfaces like doorknobs, faucets, keyboards, tablets, and phones.
Lastly, if you are sick, do not go to school. If you see symptoms like a fever, muscle aches, vomiting, runny nose, coughing, or so on, we do not recommend going to school. This will help lessen the spread of not only the Coronavirus, but other infections and sicknesses that are common in a school.
Heslin Law Can Help with Safety
These times are strange for all of us. Covid-19 really changed a lot of the dynamics that we had become accustomed too. However, following these tips will help us to return to the times that we are so used too.