While many motorists may blame the roadway design for car accidents, it is rarely the cause. Consultants have spent many years getting road barriers, utility poles, and railroad crossings to their current level of safety. Law enforcement agencies and civil engineers have also contributed much to the design of safe road layouts and traffic management systems. Visibility and roadway hazards can consist of intersections, merging lanes, bends, school zones, and pedestrian crossings. Temporary hazards include construction, parked or disabled vehicles, car accidents, traffics jams, and animals crossing the street such as deer.
Engineers use different surfaces depending on the environment, traffic speeds, volume of traffic, and location of the roadway. Markings let drivers know about their ability to pass safely, the location of the roadway in inclement weather, and where road surface ends and the shoulder begins. Interstate highways remain the safest roads because their flow of traffic is in one direction. One-way streets ease traffic congestion in city centers, as well. Rural two-lane roadways are statistically the most dangerous because of a high incidence of deadly head-on car collisions and the difficulty impatient drivers face while overtaking slower vehicles.
Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer
If you have been hurt in a tragic car accident, contact our office for a free consultation. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Heslin Law Firm help injured victims in Philadelphia recover financial compensation to help pay for lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and more.